Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Faking photographs

The blogosphere is laughing at the NYTimes not being able to tell the difference between a missile and an artillary shell...probably from the 1980's...

But, as Powerline sadly observes: ".. Which means the photo was deliberately faked by the people depicted, probably with the knowing aid of the AFP photographer. I think the villagers were lying about not hosting members of al Qaeda, too......No doubt the picture will be reproduced in many newspapers around the world."

And so we will see rioting, thanks to inaccurate reports of innocent civilians killed by the evil Americans, and the proof will be that faked photograph...
On the other hand, you won't see demonstrations about THIS or THIS or THIS
or THIS or This...or THIS

After all, it would be embarassing to realize the Great Satan airlifted ten million pounds of supplies despite bad weather to save the lives of earthquake victims...
Update: Jan 19...
After the newsbuzz for three days was that "stupid CIA missed them" or "evil America hit innocent people and see we have the photo to prove it", comes this report
Jan. 18, 2006 — ABC News has learned that al Qaeda's master bomb maker and chemical weapons expert was one of the men killed in last week's U.S. missile attack in eastern Pakistan...."This is extraordinarily important," said former FBI agent Jack Cloonan.... "He's the man who trained the shoe bomber, Richard Reid and Zacharias Mousssaoui, as well as hundreds of others."
Pakistani authorities tell ABC News ....al Qaeda's No. 2 man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was also expected to attend but apparently changed his mind.

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