Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Iraqi bloggers find a voice

Interesting article from AlJazerah...

and the acid tongues Spengler notes that an Iraqi civil war will be a disaster for....IRAN...because it would give the US an excuse to get rid of that government...Spengler always sees Iraq in the light of the "great game" between Islam, the Slaves and the West...HMMM...

And Ralph Peters notes that the MSM is salivating about "civil war" but the picture is a lot more complicated than that, since the feuds go back to the thirteenth century...

And if all of this is making your blood pressure go up, have a CHOCOLATE...
UPDATE Hoagland at the WAPOST has a good article on this today....

What peace there was in Iraq before the U.S. invasion of 2003 was the peace of the graveyard. Saddam Hussein's forces conquered Kurdistan in 1975 and launched the genocidal campaign code-named Anfal against the Kurds in 1987. The Shiite south was the target of mass murder and environmental warfare throughout the following decade....

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