Hitchens imagines what would have happened if the UN had actually followed through on it's resolutions that Sadam Hussein live up to the treaties signed ten years earlier...
Volokh Conspiracy discusses the nexis of international law and the US constitution, and the theory that we should be held to "higher" standards of treaties and UN decisions that we did not even sign...one example is freedom of speech being trumped by the UN laws on "hate speech" such as anti Islamic cartoons...
PinoyAmerican Michelle Malkin has her knickers in a knot about freedom of religion...namely, an Afghan who might be executed for converting to Christianity...heck, Michelle, it's a slippery slope. Let some guy convert, and soon you might have the Saudis allowing their Philippino maids to say the rosary, or (shudder) even allowing gays to exist without fear of execution in Iran...
CHESTER discusses the battle of Fallujah and how the press tried to make it into Tet Redux
FIREFOX 2 is coming...wonder if it will eat my bookmarks like earlier Firefoxes....as for Internet explorer7...I like the tabs, but the toolbar is confusing, and I won't use it because every new window insists that I use Windows firewall, when I prefer my Norton firewall...and I can't figure how to turn the damn reminder bar off...
Dave Barry warns Canada that she's next...
and Ursi has a link to the timewaster of the day...but do it quick...you see, it's all a Conspiracy to brainwash you, and will probably be outlawed by the UN Hate crimes treaty...
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