Thursday, April 06, 2006

NBC tries to lable NASCAR watchers at bigots

I've just come back from five days at the farm...and not much going on, except that Katie Couric's photo on Drudge shows she has succumbed to the "Ginger Rogers" syndrome of beauty: bad plastic surgery and bleaching her attractive brown hair to cover the grey.

The big news on Michelle Malkin via Instapundit is that NBC planted some "muslim looking" people at Nascar rallies to document anti Muslim bigotry...

They haven't explained what are "muslim looking" people...sikhs in turbans? Rabbis in hats? Filippino Moros wearing tee shirts and cowboy hats with rubber sandals?

Hate to tell them, but there are a lot of Muslims in Oklahoma, and although they are shy (their women shop at the 24 hours Walmart after midnight, with my menopausal women who get panic attacks in crowds) they haven't had their places burned down yet...indeed, after 9-11, one of my Okie patients said that if the government started picking up Muslims, that she would hide the local families at her ranch...

Apparantly, NBC found the same reaction: of M.M.'s commenters noted: "..if NBC wants to guarantee they get a negative reaction to their "plant", all they need to do is put him in a Jeff Gordon t-shirt. The Dale Earnhardt, Jr. fans will be sure to give him a rough time! His fans are definitely the most vocal of them all..."

DamainPenny comments: Next up: NBC is going to try sneaking Bibles into Saudi Arabia. Yeah, right.

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