Thursday, April 13, 2006

WMD propaganda

John Hughes, at the CSMonitor, notes that the charges Bush lied about WMD are untrue, and lists numerous sources behind Bush's claims...

Two interesting things in this article.

One: "...(Sadam Hussein) did not take seriously a military threat from the US because he believed France and Russia would block the US diplomatically at the UN..."
Translation: this is where the huge oil for food scandal via the UN essentially bribed the governments of these countries to stop any US attempt to remove S.H...

"According to "Cobra II," Tariq Aziz, Iraq's deputy prime minister..." huh? Was he a spy?
Background: SH killed his son.

One reason that I believed that nerve gas was was a real threat, not a lie, is the fact that the soldiers had to be prepared to wear protective clothing during the war LINK LINK2 (and the Iraqi soldiers had similar protective gear stored for use near the front lines).
Hussein had convinced his generals that it was the threat of WMD that had enabled him to stop the Americans moving on Baghdad after the 1991 war..."

This is another little thing that is rarely mentioned when people criticize BushSr. for not going all the way to Baghdad...the estimate was 40,000 dead American soldiers back then.

Soldiers face death, but there is something very frightening about nerve gas...and the dirty little secret is that, although there are protective suits that work for a few hours,
when it is very hot, you can't wear them: You end up too hot, and your sweat can make you more likely to absorb any nerve gas around.

That is one reason for the "rush to war", and why the UN was finally abandoned...because if they waited much longer, our soldiers would have lacked the ability to wear the protective clothing in the heat...

All the rhetoric on the left about war for oil forgets that China has a huge and growing demand for oil, and that most of the oil from the middle East goes to Europe and China, not the USA.
(if the US really wanted to start a war for oil, they'd invade Alberta, Canada)...

All this is something to keep in mind as we watch the EU and Russia and China block any realistic action against Iran...or against Sudan for the Dafur genocide...these countries would prefer to buy oil from murderous dictatorships than worry about a terrorism, which they figure their police can handle...

So you Can argue that other means besides war could protect us against terrorist attacks, but you cannot argue that the war was based on lies...

Which is why I am hoping that Lieberman runs as an independent in the next election, or that Hillary starts to grow balls against those who have hijacked my Democratic party...

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