Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Headlines, all bad

It is becoming more obvious that the war is to take attention away from the Mullahs in Iran. LINK2 and HERE, and HERE; and Pajama Media has ongoing coverage.
The CNNI/BBC has all sorts of reports of countries trying to evacuate civilians...alas, the Philippines doesn't have warships or money to do it, but they are trying and even helping
Thailand to evacuate their citizens.

Defensor and Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez said the current situation showed that the Filipinos were still safe where they were. The two officials said that it would cost $300-$400 to ferry each person out by ship, or $12 million for all the 30,000 Filipinos. Defensor and Gonzalez also said that should the government use its C-130 plane, this would cost P280,000 per hour in gas consumption. The flight would take 12 hours and a C-130 plane could only accommodate 100 people per flight.

The Leftwing blogosphere, who apparantly didn't see THIS photo of Bush holding hands with Angela, decided that THIS photo showed sexual harassment...BADBUSH

Must bash Bush...

This is the same press that ignored Bush's coup at the G8 that stopped a condemnation of Israel...but then I haven't read much about the G8 conference at all...Tony Blair's report is HERE...and points to Iran causing trouble not only with Hizbollah but in Iraq...

This situation therefore began with acts of extremism by militant groups that were, as the G8 said unanimously, without any justification and of course were designed to provoke the very response that followed.In the communiqué issued by the G8, we refer to and condemn the activities of the extremist groups and, more elliptically, "those that support them". For most of us at the G8, we can be less elliptical. Hezbollah is supported by Iran and Syria, by the former in weapons, weapons incidentally very similar if not identical to those used against British troops in Basra; by the latter, in many different ways and by both financially.

Blair also points out that the G8 agreed on helping African countries with HIV treatment, and notes that India and China are planning on developing Nuclear power...sounds like they figure the oil supply will be a problem, and prefer Nuclear power to pollution producing coal...

And now, for REALLY depressing News LINK Carmen Electra has split from rocker Dave Navarro.


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