Friday, July 21, 2006


Good News: Hell Freezes over: Maher and Slate defend Bush...

Bad news:On the other hand, maybe the reason that "they" hate us is that they are fed propaganda...
'It must be remembered that to this day, few Palestinians have any idea that in 2000 the United States and Israel offered a comprehensive negotiated solution including an independent Palestinian state in all of Gaza, most or all of the West Bank, and much of east Jerusalem.."

CnnI is busy quoting Kofi Annan saying that Israel is overreacting to the 1000 missles fired at them by Hizbolah, should be noted that the UN never did anything but send a "wery Nasty Letter" saying Hizbollah should be disarmed...

CNNI is busy showing the anxious civilians trying to get out...LIST HERE....Terrible, but one wonders if the networks are just replaying the Katrina card...
Austin Bay says: It's the logistics, stupid, and notes that they'd be even more unhappy if their ship was hit by a Hizbollah missle...
Again, instead of pointing out that Hizbolah hides among civilians, and that the low casualty rate shows that Israel is trying not to hit civilians, Caritas moans about the baby milk factory being destroyed...sounds familiar...
Rev Sensing has an essay on Just war theory...

GMA orders Israelis and Hizbollah not to kill Pinoys...well that settles that. We can all go home. Now, if she would only tell those "unknown assailants" to stop killing leftist agitators and reporters....

But now for the really bad news:
China outlaws R rated Kareoke...

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