Monday, July 17, 2006

Miscellaneous laughs, if you have a twisted sense of humor

Tell George He's supposed to be diplomatic:

ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - A microphone picked up an unaware
President Bush saying on Monday that
Syria should press Hezbollah to "stop doing this shit" ... Washington and its allies say Hezbollah is backed by Syria.

And THIS is one of the funniest satires I've seen in a long time:

The “Breasts Not Bombs”(BNB) anti-war movement that began last year in Berkeley, California, when women marched with bared breasts and chanted anti-war slogans, recently spawned an offshoot movement, “Vaginas Not Violence” (VNV)....They claimed that BNB’s emphasis on enormous sagging milk-sacks discriminated against women who had smaller tweeters, as well as transgender pacifists who were entirely tweeter-less....

Finally, how do you chase late night revelers back home?
You play Barry Manilow records....

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