Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Other news

Chinese bird flu whistle blower jailed...there are lots of rumors in Asia that there have been hundreds of deaths covered up (just like SARS was covered up) so this does not bode well...

India the Philippines, there are all sorts of terrorists, but a coordinated bombing of random civilians (including people of all faiths) sounds like AlQuada. Link2

NeoNeocon's take is HERE...Austin Bey's opinion is HERE..
Ironically, the original plan by Bush was to have UN peacekeepers take over Iraqi policing, a plan that asked for 20 000 Indian peacekeepers but was blocked by our "allies"...if this had occured, then the left would be blaming Bush...
Update: Pajamas media has links to local Indian bloggers and other resources LINK

Fox's movie critic gives thumbs up to Oliver Stone's new movie, comparing it to John Ford's movies with John Wayne...

Those terrorists who killed the Russian Diplomats in Iraq are on notice...Putin plays hardball...and Ralph Peters says we should do the same...alas, Debka (a site not known for it's reliability) said that we don't have to, since they are taking each other out...IraqtheModel discusses the Arab street and the Baghdad situation and StrategyPage has THIS take...Yes, I read NYT and BBC, but they hide their bias and usually don't tell us the background details to put things into context to judge the bias of the article (such as the ethnic/tribal background of their reporters)...
GetReligion blog, which mainly reports on the reporting of religious issues in the MSM (which is often poor because the press "doesn't get religion") , has a similar complaint about lack of background on the reporting in Iraq and on Islam in general...

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