Friday, July 14, 2006

Other news

<---Galeras volcano in Colombia is threatening to explode again... 400 000 people live in Pasto, at the base of the Volcano, including my son and his family. 8000 people have been evacuated, mainly farmers from the slopes.

Local news report HERE in Spanish...
Here in the Philippines, the storm Florita has passed, leaving 8 dead...
We're in the plain, so except for flooded streets, we have no problem...
Trivia news:

Comedian Red Buttons has died...

Women working long hours end up with health problems...been there, done that...

BBCMagazine has a report on piracy in Asia and off Somalia LINK

Good news: Angelina Jolie to play wife in film about Danny Pearl..
Bad News: Film to be done by director of propaganda film The Road to Guantanamo...... hmmm. You know that thing about six degrees of Kevin Bacon? This sounds more like three degrees: Danny pearl, pakistani Jihadists, Taliban...

Your headlines of the day:Lakas bets will take up Cha-cha...

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