Sunday, July 09, 2006

Signs you are a country boy Starwars fan

Signs to tell if you're a Star Wars Fan from the Country
(By Matt)
1. Your Jedi robe is in jungle camouflage

2. You have used your light sabre to open a bottle of beer

3. You have a cousin who bears a strong resemblance to Chewbacca

4. You can easily describe the taste of barbecued Ewok

5. You have a landspeer up on blocks in the front yard

6. You wear Darth Vaders helmet when riding the tractor

7. Wookies are offended by BO

8. You were the only one drinking jack Daniels during the cantina scene

9. Although you had to kill him, you thought Jabba The Hut had a pretty good handle on his bitches

10. While watching TV, you used the force to get a beer during the commercial break

(From Area51)

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