Tuesday, September 12, 2006

9-11: A feeling of no control

The link is to the story of an air traffic controller.

But it could also be the story of the US, and the response to terrorism.
You see, in the US, although we say we are "religious", we are actually children of the enlightenment, and feel we are the "captains of our souls", and have to be in control.
So if things are out of control, we shoot the messenger (Bush Derangement syndrome) or devise strategies to get thing back in control (war on terror, holding demonstrations for peace, devising conspiracy theories that let us "understand").

We docs see these types of coping when we treat someone with illness...rage, bribery, depression, lashing out at caretakers, flattery, manipulation, etc. But it is part of our job to bring people past those immature coping mechanisms into real coping, with humor, patience, and heroic acceptance of the illness so they can live their lives, or in the case of a terminal illness, that they can live the life that is left to them fully and heroically until death comes.

Dr. Sanity had lots of articles explaining how these coping mechanisms are the cause of much of the paranoid hatred of Bush, a paranoia that has invaded the European elite and the Democratic party... Ironically, except for Dr. Krauthammar in the WAPO (who invented the phrase "Bush derangement syndrome) few commentators have bothered to separate the psychological needs from the reality.

As for BDS: All those who insists Bush is the cause of this ignores that AlQuada had targeted the Philippines in the 1990s, and also ignores that Europe hated Reagan...without the internet few Americans knew the depth of the hatred back then, but those of us who lived overseas and were ridiculed in public by strangers are aware that anti Americanism too is a psychological need for Europeans who lost their manhood to the more aggressive American "cowboys"...it didn't start with Bush.The war started years ago and will not stop with President Clinton number two, or even president Bush number three...

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