Tuesday, September 12, 2006

ABS CBN report: Philippine connection to 9-11

did you know the Bali bombers trained at a terrorist camp in the Philippines? LINK

that a plot to fly airplanes into Buildings was thwarted by Pinoy policemen in 1995? LINK

That Kalid Shiek Mahommad, one of the planners of 9-11 lived in Manila in the 1990's pretending to be a rich Saudi Shiek LINK

That BinLaden had a Moro brigade in Afghanistan, and preyed upon the marginalization of Philippino muslims?Ben Laden's brother funded "charities" that aided in the Al Quada network here... LINK

That the JI terror group in Indonesia has sent instructions to Philippine terrorists instructing them on how to make biological and chemical weapons? LINK

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