Saturday, October 28, 2006

Headlines below the fold

On November 4 (1956), the Red Army attacked Budapest. Nagy addressed the nation in the early dark of that morning, remaining defiant. The radio played the Hungarian anthem and pleaded for help from the United Nations and Western democracies. None came.
Dr. Szego remembers...ah, but do you?...WSJ editorial HERE

Gary Loftus, says he also has Parkinson's disease, and points out that there are many levels of research being done to treat and cure that terrible disease...
The embryonic stem-cell debate is not about allowing stem-cell research, because that is taking place unimpeded. The debate really is about legalizing the commerce in human embryos. Fertility clinics have an inventory of surplus embryos, and they want the right to sell them. Like everything else in politics, just follow the dollars

The Australians are still up in arms about the shiek defending rapists.LINK is his defense of his speech. The actual speech is HERE.
Summary: All non believers will go to hell, and if a woman is raped, it's 90 percent her fault for not staying in her room and wearing a full robe that covers everything but her eyes.
..I hope they deport the bastard.

The internet blogosphere is publicizing the AlQaeda report on speading their propaganda via western news sources. Austin Bay has his opinion...
The NY Times exposed a legal, productive intelligence program in the midst of a war. That exposure damaged our ability to monitor terrorist finances. Finances fuel terrorist operations. The Times’ exposure increased the vulnerability of the United States. Why did they do it? I’ll hazard a guess. The NY Times is engaged in a political war with the Bush Administration...

MyPetJawaBlog contrasts the sanitized Videos seen on BBC/CNN/msnbc with the real thing. Not for the faint at heart...

My take on the "gay marriage" decision in NJ?
That easy divorce, public acceptance of living together and a welfare system that makes single parenthood a viable option has diminished marriage as a legal entity.
The REALLY dangerous court decision is This one stating "the State [has a] substantial interest in fostering equality between the sexes" that case, the Catholic church was ordered to pay for contraceptives for their employees...THAT court case got little publicity but will have wider implications as "gay marriage" laws expand...

And finally, when Boston College proposed to fight racism by stopping the teaching of dead white men and replace it with the "history of marginalized people", one student wag wrote THIS:

I think I agree with the proposal: We indeed should be teaching the history of marginalized people. ... So I offer a provisional list of topics and questions to be included in such a course.

1. History of Christians during the time of Diocletian and Nero;
2. History of Monasteries during the dark ages;
3. History of Muslims in the Middle East during the Crusades;
4. History of Christians and Jews living under Muslim rule, both in the past and today;
5. History of Catholics under Elizabeth I;
6. History of Huguenots in France; ...
(list goes on and on)
....And, closer to home, such a course would definitely need to include:... 30. A survey of BC professors who are admirers of Pope Benedict

Yup....WAC hippies may own BC, but the JP2 generation has wit.

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