Thursday, October 05, 2006

Watch those emails

For those of us over 40, the joke is that if we follow the complicated instructions and can't do something for our computer, then simply to go the nearest 12 year old and ask him to fix it for us.

So the slimebucket congressman was similarly caught because he didn't know stuff about IM, as theZD net link above notes.

There is a lot of hoopla about coverup, but I'm old enough to remember when I was young and attractive (i.e. 40 years ago and 40 lbs thinner) all girls knew about the local "dirty old men" who would proposition you and if you got too close feel you up. And every nurse knew that you simply did NOT go into certain rooms alone with certain doctors...

Back then, it wasn't illegal, but if the guy got too obnoxious, the solution was a right hook, or you would tell your father or boyfriend, and the guy would be "visited" by someone and warned.

Now, of course, there are laws against it, but one suspects that the result of the laws is to discourage reporting, since a good slap or hat pin at the time of the groping is a quick and easy way to punish someone who you really don't want to go to jail or lose his job.
LILEKS has a wonderful essay about all of this:"it's nice to know there are some standards left.
He can't hold a press conference, say ``This is my truth! I am a Pervy-American,'' and end up on Oprah promoting his book ``I M So Sorry.'' No slack gets cut for the old goats who fiddle with the underage help."

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