Wednesday, December 06, 2006

headlines take two

Winds of Change has the good and bad in Iraq: many good things going on, but many fleeing the violence.

And the WAPO has discovered military contractors...they talk as if they were all police (some are) but actually most are truckdrivers, cooks, cleaners etc. And a lot of them are from the Philippines. The gov't forbids it, but the money is good, so people risk their lives...behala na...I can't find statistics on the internet (one 2004 estimate was 6000 OFW in Iraq) but our drivers know people who went there, and talk about going...

Remember the massacre of Srebrenica ? Where 800 Dutch peacekeepers left when 10 000 Serbs arrived, allowing them to massacre 8000 unarmed civilians?
Well, the Dutch government are giving them a medal.
Perhaps instead they should send them to Lucerne to ponder this famous sculpture..and hang their heads in shame...

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