Saturday, January 20, 2007

Headlines below the fold

Remember Lebanon? Michael Totten has a report from Beruit...summary in two words: Pyrric victory. An older Strategy Page article notes the same thing.

Jimmy Carter opines on how we can have peace...if Israel just offers to leave the occupied territories...whoops. They did just that back in 1998, but Arafat went home and started another terrorist war. Carter has been accused of Anti Semitism; actually it's probably not true. He's merely dumb. After all, what kind of person personally writes letters asking for pardons for Nazis?

Do you know that there was Bioterrorism in World War I? No, not the flu...anthrax and glanders...against horses.

Tolkien Trivia note: World War I was the watershed between the traditional and the modern...horses were used at the start, but replaced with trucks and tanks by 1918.. ..Tolkien served in a reserve colonial unit that broke and trained horses for the front until he graduated and was sent to France in 1916....

And finally, apparantly there is no Marxist murdering tyrant that some people can't defend...LINK....LINK2 to interview...LINK 3 to the group
Guess what? They are an offshoot of this Anti War group...who have an amusing article about Bush "invading" the world by multinationals...hmmm...wonder if they ever heard of China? Nahh...neither website mentions China, Singapore, or Malaysia, since globalization and capitalism seems to be helping the poor in those countries...

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