Saturday, January 27, 2007

Stories behind the news stories

Can't tell a Sunni from a Shiite? Here's a quick overview LINK

Want to stop smoking? Have a stroke...

A Requium for Dafur at Carnagie Hall...and the good news is that Ban will make stopping the genocide a priority......

The Federal government has shelled out $653 million for stem cell research...LINK, but since none went to killing embryos to get stem cells, most people think Bush is not allowing ANY stem cell research...

How to survive worst case scenerios: Pop Mechanics tells you how. My favorite? How to control a runaway camel...

They also have a long article about alternative fuels..NYTimes article nere.and check LINK...

and the Philippines is looking into it, since we don't have oil beneath our

OK altogether now:
I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts

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