Saturday, February 03, 2007

Headlines below the fold

Since I have a cold, I apologize if this is somewhat disjointed.

In Medical news, USMED has an article on how indigenous people are hurt more by Diabetes. This is not news to any ex IHS (US Indian health service) doc like myself, but it does prove diet and exercize, or rather lack thereof, is behind the modern diabetes epidemic.

Related to this is a Spiked magazine article that says climate gurus thin isn't it wonderful Africans are used to being poor and living on the edge of famine, let's encourage them to continue herding goats and grow corn by hand instead of using fertilizer, hand plows, and buying a jeepney to sell their veggies to the city, or even worse, migrating to cities where they can eat and educate their kids and pollute the air with their cars...

On a related note, one wonders if climate change people are happy that Mugabe is cutting use of petrol in it's gotten so bad that the army is revolting...

NYTimes says "Bush gets aid of Dems to fight pandemics"...guess they didn't notice his funding of African projects dates back a couple of years...

Bad news for Dafur: China will continue to block sanctions and send aid to the gov't there.

And on a more cheerful note: This documentary screened at Sundance didn't get much publicity, but JayBerg at Ain't it cool loved it.
It's about a deaf couple who get cochlear implants. The film is by their (hearing) daughter.

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