Monday, February 12, 2007

Headlines below the fold

What do you do with an Airforce base after the USAF leaves?
You declare it an economic zone, use the runways for tourist flights ....and hold Hot air baloon festivals.

STEM CELLS MIGHT CURE DIABETES...nah, won't get publicized, because like many other cures the stem cells come from bone marrow.FAQ or this Embryonic stem cells from Amniotic fluid
It's like Gene Wilder supporting stem cell research from embryos and calling Bush ignorant...yet he had stem cell treatment for his lymphoma, using his own stem cells..."And after three sessions like that, they took out seven million stem cells. Then you go into the hospital in isolation and they do - I did four - I had full body radiation in the morning and late afternoon four days, and then heavy chemo for five days. "
Yup. Adult stem cells: Saving lives for 40 years...lots of success...with little or no publicity.

And the dirty little secret is if there were money in the research, investors would be there. The fact the companies are hyping to state legislators instead says a lot about their profit potential...
In the meanwhile, if you want to invest, I have one word for you:
Hmmm...FAT..another great medical breakthru in adult stem cell research...

Obama says US needs to get out of Iraq and let the Shiites and Sunnis settle it in their own way...Ummm...that's called ethnic cleansing. Guess he's not old enough to remember Bosnia...or the ethnic cleansing of Chinese from Viet Nam or earlier from Indonesia... Already half of Iraq's Sunnis have fled (including most of the Baathists who worked for S.H.). The dirty little secret is that the rest will leave or be driven out, and the US is trying to stop that for two reasons: one, to placate Saudi Arabia, and two Sunni Arabs have more education and expertise needed to run the country and it's economy.

Another ignored story is's not just for a possible bird flu outbreak..."Passage of S. 3678 marks a major milestone in improving public health and hospital preparedness for bioterrorist attacks, pandemics, and other catastrophes and for improving the development of new medical countermeasures, such as medicines and vaccines, against biosecurity threats."

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