Sunday, February 25, 2007

He's alive....whoops take it back

Every Easter, believing Christians are hit with the yearly news magazine and TV exposes on what is the "truth" behind Christianity...telling us why we are all a bunch of stupid idiots for believing.

So this year we have, voila, a bigshot film makers who decided they found Jesus's tomb...and not only his but his mother's, his wife's and two of his kids.

"If it proves true, the discovery, which will be revealed at a press conference in New York Monday, could shake up the Christian world as one of the most significant archeological finds in history".

Well, hot damn. Tear down the churches and let's all celebrate.

But the most absurd part of the claim is this one: "According to the filmmakers, the film’s claim is based on close work with world-famous scientists, archeologists, statisticians, DNA specialists and antiquities experts."

DNA Specialists? what did they do, find the lady from the DaVinci code and test her DNA?

But the final comment on the science of the film is found HERE

Yup...Jesus was a space alien, and the coffins prove it.
Update: or how about cloning Jesus? LINK...methinks these people have too much time on their hands. GetaLife, man.

cross posted to blogger news, and Longer discussion moved to Boinkie's blog

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