Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bruno's Cuy recipe

Bruno the bear was shot because he ate "..."30 sheep, four rabbits and a guinea pig..."

Well, in honor of poor dead Bruno, I suggest you try this simple recipe from the above link

  • 4 cuys (i.e. large guinea pigs used for meat in Andean countries)
  • 1 teaspoon hot pepper
  • 1 tablespoon pisco
  • garlic to taste
  • 6 fresh hot peppers, either red or yellow
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • salt, pepper to taste Season the cleaned cuys with salt, pepper, hot pepper and pisco. Fry in oil five minutes or until cooked.

    Serve with a hot pepper sauce, potatoes, either fried or boiled and a salad of cucumber, tomato, lettuce and onion.

    Chicha is often served with cuy, as it was in Incan times.

  • Chicha is beer, by the way.

  • My adopted sons grew up in Colombia, and report their first mom always kept a breeding guinea pigs in the kitchen. They fed them veggies and grass, and periodically their mom would kill a few and stew or fry them for supper.
    And I disagree with the article in how they taste. They actually taste like pork, not rabbit.

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