Monday, March 12, 2007

Headlines under the fold

Attention Michael Moore: Leni did it better...The triumph of the shrill indeed.

HotAir links to a reporter on CSPAN who discusses Iraq.

Blogfather asks what a lot of us ask: Why convict Libby about lying about a non security matter when Berger's crime was more important?

Now the good news:
Iran Iraq talks are a breakthru

More good news: Four million pilgrims peacefully prayed in Krabala...a few were killed on the way there by car bombs but the gathering itself was safe thanks to increased security... under Hussein the pilgrimage was forbidden... The BBC story is superficial, but the NYTIMES story is great reporting.

New Sci Fi book by the bishop and Roger Rabbit?

Frank Miller strikes again...not my cup of tea, but will have to wait a week until it hits the Palenke to see it.

No good news about Bird flu:new outbreaks in Burma and Laos...and more cases in Viet Nam, South Korea, and Egypt...

Finally, the really important news of the day via BoingBoing: R2D2 the Mailbox...Dustbury comments: Does anyone have ObiWan's zip code?

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