Sunday, March 18, 2007

signs you are being stalked by a leprechaun

• Generic-looking green van parked across the street with Notre Dame bumper sticker.
• Every time you turn around the pitter-pattering stops and that green fire hydrant seems to have gotten a little closer.
• Card delivered with the bouquet of 4-leaf clovers reads, “I bet you’re magically delicious!”
• When you come home from work, the potatoes are missing from the cupboard and your parrot is singing “Danny Boy.”
• Sultry voice from shower soap dish asks, “Is that your shillelagh, or are you just happy to see me?”
• Pink hearts, yellow moons, blue diamonds scratched on your car at knee-level, and Ross Perot is nowhere to be found.
• Them little green pellets in the litter box ain’t M&M’s, Chester.

from Pajamasmedia and the Daily Brief


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