Sunday, April 08, 2007

Headlines below the fold

Philippine commentary thinks they need a prank terrorism this blog, he speculates who was behind last week's "hostage" crisis" in Manila...

Pope laments "continual slaughter" in Iraq..."the thousand faces of violence which some people attempt to justify in the name of religion," You mean AlQaeda killing Shiites and Sadr's death squad attacks killing Sunnis and Christians in Iraq?
He also condemns human rights violations referred to are in Zim and Dafur and the Congo.

"In second life, no one knows you're a lapsed catholic". Well, God knows, but this is about fantasy, not about reality.

While you are busy living second life, you can visit TV links.....Peeple has workstations online....Buzzillions helps you shop.

It's Easter, time to bash the Christians...LINK explores why.

And finally, RIP B.C's creator Johnny Hart has died.

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