Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Headlines below the fold

The Democrat war vote: It's about politics, stupid... one wonders if they know Alqaeda in Iraq is run by an Egyptian and uses Saudi suicide bombers to kill Shiite Iraqis...or that the Iraqi Sunnis have decided they hate Alqaeda more than the Americans...LINK

But of course it's not about Iraq, it's about aging yuppies reliving their glory days...guess they forgot about these folks...

Should Mayday become a day to celebrate those killed by communism? LINK2 well, they finally will get a museum to remind us about them...

Leftist rally in Manila on Mayday...they are one of the alternatives to the corrupt oligarchy... Yet Chinese corruption is almost as bad as here...wonder if the pet food probe will make this fact known in the USA?

Pot can make people psychotic...yup. We know that...but the yuppies love it anyway.

Before Richardson cleaned up the place, we had to watch where we hiked in New Mexico, since it was dangerous to stumble across someone's marijuana patch. So now the rumor is that Judith Campbell, the Peace Corps volunteer who was killed in northern Luzon, may have stumbled across something...

From Freerepublic's archology forum:Tsunami or storm surge? LINK...and did the Lisbon earthquake's tsunami contribute to the high death toll? LINK
Did Climate change kill off the Neanderthals? LINK LINK2

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