Saturday, May 05, 2007

Headlines below the fold

The married goat has committed suicide...

Mirrors on the highways will stop moose from running in front of cars.

Mercury in the new light bulbs? Snopes reports, you decide

Lileks discusses Wally Schirra, Rudy, 24, and Lurch's panoramas...the last one is really neat...

check out LINK for more panoramas.

Nanotechnology to make cheap Hydrogen fuel? LINK

Carbon offsets: The new selling of indulgences? Actually, I thought it was a con job so third world politicians could make money: Keep your people poor (i.e. carbon neutral) while your government (i.e. the politicians) can earn (steal) a lot of money.

Microfinance is big here...TheDistributionist Review points to a Pinoy coop that won an award where the private sector helped a local coop to make jobs HERE.

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