Thursday, May 17, 2007

Headlines below the fold

Senate refuses to end the war...Hillary caves in to the extreme left, meaning she has lost the Regan Democrats for the next election.

Amazon starts download service. Sigh. Won't affect me.

Prince Harry won't go to Iraq...well, after all the publicity, his unit would have been targeted. Don't know if this says more about our enemy or our press...

Blogfather links to Bernard Lewis:LINK essentially saying that primitive types are bullies who don't respect whining, they only believe you if you hit them back. I'd agree with him as a mother, but Lewis is an expert in the Middle East...

Pajamas Media profiles Gibson of the Dambusters...but my favorite in that group of pilots was Leonard Cheshire, ..."

Former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters once described Cheshire as "the only true Christian I've ever met"....

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