Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Monkey business


Monkey eats squirrel, monkey dies of plague...Actually, IHS docs, especially in the Navajo area, see one or two cases a year, and it's found in squirrels or prairie dogs. But having it pop up in Denver is a problem.

"insurgents" say: attack us and the monkey dies...well, the gorilla anyway.
Animal rights groups are probably hyperventillating. They worry more about Buster than the 97 park rangers killed, or the four million dead in the conflict.

celebrates Rachel Carson:
"...Carson's book "Silent Spring," published in 1962, led to the banning of the pesticide DDT, the launch of modern environmentalism and her enshrinement as a kind of patron saint of nature...."

Ah, but did Rachel Carson care more about birds than children?
Buried in paragraph 27, and paraphrasing the Congressman, The Washington Post concedes that "numerous" deaths might have been prevented by DDT...Just how "numerous" is numerous? Wouldn't you ask that question? The Post never asks that question. Why? Because the answer devastates Rachel Carson and her followers. According to these CDC figures, malaria kills more than 800,000 children under age five every year.

Did a meterorite kill the mastadons? LINK

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