Friday, July 20, 2007

Headlines below the fold

A roadside bomb killed a couple dozen Chinese, including women. PJM notices it and links to Counterterrorblog.

The Red Mosque siege was in response to the students attacking Chinese workers at a "health clinic" (read bordello).
China has been holding joint exercizes with Pakistan and has shut down a terror training camp near the Pakistan border.
What does this mean? I'm not sure, but sounds like China is in the war on terror whether or not she wants it.

The Italians got Father Bossi back from the ASG/MILF, and deny paying ransom.

Yup. And if you believ e that, there's this used bridge in Brooklyn that I want you to buy.
Father Bossi is the third Italian priest kidnapped for ransom, making one Mindanao writer wonder if the MILF just likes Pizza. One priest "escaped" but the second was released "without paying ransom", perhaps because the 80thousand Euros ransom that they "didn't pay" was promptly stolen by the intermediary.

Yup. As one wag put it, here in the Philippines, they steal over the table, under the table, and the table itself.

The scandal of the mortars that didn't work is now being joined by a scandal that the MILF has the latest equipment, with locals wondering if someone high up is selling the good stuff off.

Broken Glass
redux: terrible story by "soldier" in journal is already being questioned LINK LINK LINK
I agree with Powerline: If it was true, then why print the story by one sociopath and ignore 100 000 honorable men's stories? And a lot of the details seem false, making people wonder who checked it out.

I mean, I was only a lowly Captain in the National Guard, but we had both ATV's and Tanks, and one of our jobs was preventing and monitoring hearing loss.

So THIS part of the story, that they ran Bradley fighting vehicles over sleeping dogs, sounds phoney, to say the least.

So I checked it out: Even idling the Bradley fighting vehicle is 75 db, and when running, it is 110 plus decibles, running at top speed (38mph) the noise is 115 db.
A jet engine is 110 db, and 120 db causes pain.

Either they have deaf dogs in Iraq, or someone made up the story and no one bothered to check out the facts.

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