Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Headlines below the fold

Good old boy Thompson...I figure Hillary will win, unless there is a war then Guilliani has a chance. But both of them grate on the nerves worse than Bush. Thompson, like Reagan, will be easy to live with, at least on TV...and others may think the same by the time the voting main question is his cancer...

We have the power of the gods
I'm just superstitious enough to shudder...the last time someone said "we made her so safe that even God couldn't sink her" was when they launched the Titanic.

Hmmm...the surge is working...even the UN says civilian and military deaths are down...the Milblogs were saying the war was won, and so does the left wing Prospect... what do they know? However, when the UKProspect says the same thing, maybe something has gone right in Iraq...Michael Yon sardonically notes the press' failure to report it...(headsupBarcepundit) My essay at BNN HERE.

Navy Seal's heroic deeds
would make a good film, if Hollywood wasn't so busy destroying the reputation of the US...medal of honor given posthumously to his parents...behind the lines in Afghanistan, they were spotted by some goatherders. Logically, they should have killed the young boys, but instead they left them go, and the boys betrayed their position. He was killed when he moved to high ground to call for rescue, even though he knew that this would place him out in the open...

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