Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Day of the Dead

Most people don't realize that the idea behind Halloween is the next day. Halloween is short for "All Hallows eve", or All Saint's day. In Catholicism November first is All Saint's day, for those who died before us and are in heaven, and then All Soul's day, for those who need to be purified before getting into Heaven.

So in the Philippines, it is the day to visit the graves of one's loved ones.

This is not a sad thing, but more joyful: In our area, most of the graves are above ground, because of the high ground water level.

Lolo's mother is in a concrete box on a small plot with two other relatives. The plot is 8x10 foot, and surrounded by a wall. There is a little shelf to put candles and a flower vase.

The relatives who died more recently have a slightly larger plot with a roof and benches along the side.

The really rich people have an open house, with bars on the side. Presumably to keep out thieves.

On November first, the dirt road to the cemetary is packed with families. The street vendors are there with everything from candles to drinks to sweets to toys (so the kids don't get into trouble while the adults visit). Nor are the kids the only ones who might be too loud and boisterous:

Police said that so far they have not arrested anyone for sneaking in alcoholic beverages, playing cards, pointed and sharp objects and for playing loud music.

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