Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday stuff you might have missed

A woman. An evangelical Christian. A black. A war hero. A Mormon. A William Jennings Bryan populist....a new son of the Old South and an Italian-American mayor...

No. it's not a joke, it's whose running for president...and Ralph Peters points out it's Democracy at work.
Dengue fever warning in Manila...Dr. Angie says lots here too...
The PC blame "global warming", but it's actually a resurgence back to the 1940 levels...and why blame global warming when the open sewers here haven't been sprayed since before Christmas?

DarkRoastedBlend has their archives up for January...

Best page? Ice Carvings...this is an older photo from Harbin, China...
and R.ToddKing is there taking pictures: 2007 webpage is HERE. . he has lots of photos of the festival entries, and they are stunning... a book of his photos is linked to his site...


The US had Ronald Reagan and Schwartzenegger, the Philippines had Erap, and now, Thailand has a TV chef as Prime Minister... and he sees no reason why he has to stop cooking..
(headsup Epicurious)...

And the really good news of the day: Your ipod won't mess up your pacemaker...

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