Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Headlines below the fold

Mugabe plans to steal the election in Zimbabwe in plain sight...
Rev. Stig has more photos of Zim youths in SAfrica protesting the election (South Africa could intervene, but refuses).

Slavery in some (Muslim) West African countries (that border the Sahara) was common until thirty years ex slave fights for his people's rights LINK.

Save the planet! Buy a Scooter...
I always thought one would be nice...except in Minnesota, where for six months a year it was below freezing, or in Oklahoma where six months a year it would go over 85...
And of course if you are hit by a bus or of our friends died last week in Manila in such a collision.

Vatican says baptizing a Muslim is not a hostile act.
Confiscating Bibles and rosaries from immigrants and treating them badly is a hostile act.
Arresting women for driving is a hostile act.
Funding terrorists with charity money and funding mosques who recruit youth to kill other Muslims is a hostile act.
Let's put things into perspective, shall we?

I know many pious Muslims, and think it is a beautiful faith. But the Saudi version is to Islam as the KKK "christian" movement is to Christianity...a distortion and a blasphemy.

Must bash Bush..must bash Bush....
Notice the headlines:
Court backs Texas in dispute with Bush
Justices Rule Against Bush on Death Penalty Case New York Times
Court Backs Texas in Dispute With BushThe Associated Press

All the headlines posit this as a defeat for Bush...
What it actually said was:
. "To turn over to the judiciary the task of deciding when a treaty becomes domestic law, the Chief Justice added, would be to give the courts “the power not only to interpret but also to create the law."

So even though Bush was going along with the International law so beloved by the MSM, and against the death penalty, the stories twist it as a defeat for wasn't. It was a reaffirmation of US sovereignty.
Michael Yon warns Instapundit that the Iraqi government (not just the American army) is going against the Iranians in Basra...
"It's important to contextualize the fighting in Basra. That the Iraqi Army apparently is fighting JAM is important; a largely Shia Government of Iraq is in command of the Iraqi Army. The Iraqi Army is fighting Shia militia. This is not bad news."

Remember this the next time you hear the spin on CNNInt.

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