Saturday, April 19, 2008

Insomnia book of the week

Since we don't get CSPAN in the Philippines, I play audiobooks on my mp3 player to go to sleep.

This week's download from Librivox is Temperence Gems, by William McGonagall...who is described on the site here:

McGonagall has been widely acclaimed as the worst poet in British history. He campaigned vigorously against excessive drinking, appearing in pubs and bars to give edifying poems and speeches. These were very popular, the people of Dundee possibly recognising that McGonagall was “so giftedly bad he backed unwittingly into genius”.


Of course, we used to sing this one:

Away away with rum by gum...LINK

...We never eat cookies because they have yeast.
And one little bite turns a man to a beast.
Can you imagine a sadder disgrace...
Then of a man in the gutter with crumbs on his face....

I can't find that one on you tube, but here's another Chad Mitchell oldie.

Turn up speakers and enjoy!

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