Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stuff below the fold

Rewriting the story of the, Apocolypto was wrong, but so were a lot of other stories about these tribes.

Evidence? Evidence? we don't need no stinkin' evidence...

no, it's not the Bush war on terror, it's the MPAA...and their fight against privacy in the name of copyright has some frightening implications, but unless you read BoingBoing or the geekblogs, you probably are unaware of what's going on...more HERE.

Duct Tape to the rescue:
MikeTheMadBiologistBlog reports another leak: Q fever from a CDC level three lab in Atlanta..
and after the lead was discovered, they fixed it with ductape...

Well, that makes me feel safe.

Anesthesia makes post op pain of the things about untreated pain is it leaves a "ghost" on the nervous system, meaning later pain is worse. Anesthesia only keeps you unaware you are hurting, and the local changes continue...this may explain why some studies that show if you give a CoxA painkiller before surgery, you don't need as much painkiller after surgery.

And finally: The Marines have Underware problems.
Wicking polyester longjohns are forbidden in the military because polyester underware burns/melts (if you get caught by an explosion), but cotton doesn't work as well.
So they are working at new underware. does it work for Bras? Are underwire bras also forbidden? I mean, sports bras are fine, but as a D cup, I can tell you they don't work well...
For that matter, does body armour come with curves?
Enquiring minds want to know...

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