Sunday, August 24, 2008

Investment tip of the day

what do you do with all those feet left over after cutting up chickens?

Sell them to China....

The US was the major supplier of poultry meat to China in the first six months of 2008 shipping in 300,000 t, which is an increase of over 50,000 tonnes. Argentina, which is a country renowned for its beef, saw exports soar from 18,700 t to 112,600 t.
From January to the end of June 2008, over 50% of poultry imports were in the form of chicken feet.

to a recipe to make chicken soup from the feet, and then prepare them as dimsum...
Alternate recipe HERE...of course, it sounds better if you tell people it is "Golden Phoenix Claws".

is fingerfood, by the way...usually a snack. Millions of different varieties.

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