Saturday, September 20, 2008


Well, did you celebrate "National Talk like a Pirate day"?

MissCellania has more cat pirate stuff HERE.

Savage Chicken cartoons HERE

And pirate timewaster of the day HERE

Dave Barry's essay on this important holiday HERE. He includes these instructions:

To prepare for Talk Like a Pirate Day, you should practice incorporating pirate terminology into your everyday speech. For example, let's consider a typical conversation between two co-workers in a business office:

BOB: Hi. Mary.

MARY: Hi, Bob. Have you had a chance to look at the Fennerman contract?

BOB: Yes, and I have some suggestions.

MARY: OK, I'll review them.

Now let's see how this same conversation would sound on Talk Like a Pirate Day:

BOB: Avast, me beauty.

MARY: Avast, Bob. Is that a yardarm in your doubloons, or are you just glad to see me?

BOB: You are giving me the desire to haul some keel.

MARY: Arrrrr.

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