Monday, September 15, 2008

Science headlines below the fold

Walk this way alert....yes, people can tell if a man or a woman is walking, even when the body is replaced by dots...Video
Yet one wonders how much is cultural and how much is due to the pelvic structure...


The Japanese University that learned how to make adult stem cells act as if they were embryonic is patenting the process, to stop a drug company from doing the same to make a profit.

The wart vaccine that stops cervical cancer also protects from Vulvar and Vaginal cancer.
Of course, in 40 years of medicine I never saw a case of these rare cancers, but never makes a nice headline, especially since last week the New England Journal was questioning the hype about the vaccine.


Meth abuse is up in Asia's a problem here in the Philippines too...
Broccoli is in the news again as a health food...latest study shows that Broccoli helps one's lungs.

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