Monday, September 22, 2008

Stem and root

Most people get their information about Senator Obama's parents from his books or from articles like this one in Vanity Fair...

SavageMindsBlog links to two articles in Honolulu newspapers about the work of the mother of Senator Obama.LINK LINK2

And THIS ARTICLE on his father gives a much more nuanced picture of an African trying to make his country better, but frustrated by tribalism and a socialist government that wasn't above eliminating the opposition...his drinking has to be put into the context that his life was in for his complicated family life: I never worked in Kenya, but this type of arrangement was pretty common among professionals when I worked in Liberia...

And to give equal time to the opposition, a reporter chased down one of McCain's more famous girlfriends in Brazil LINK...she remembers him as a good kisser....

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