Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Headlines below the fold

Michael Yon explains why...

The most depressing story of the week...

‘Arroyo bribes total P100M' ...Money was to protect her from impeachment
Hmm...only two million US Dollars...but bribery comes cheap in the Philippines.


in comparison, Mark Rich's "ex wife" had to give $400thousand to the Clinton Library and a million to the Democratic party to get his pardon...plus $70thousand to Hillary's campaign to become a senator, and 10thousand to Clinton's defense fund...
and now the Justice Department lawyer behind that scam is up for Attorney General.

Even the NYTimes blasted Palin for her Turkey Day interview...
But the farmer involved said he assumed they were taking close up photos of her, and he assumed that he wasn't in the shot...

altogether class: it was a setup....

More press bias: in the past, this type of remark would have gotten you fired for vulgarity...
CNN... anchor Rick Sanchez showed video of foreign leaders shaking hands with each other but not with Bush. "He seems like the most unpopular kid in high school that nobody liked, the one with the cooties," Sanchez said. (but) the president had shaken hands with the leaders earlier.... CNN says Sanchez's show will air a clarification today.

another herb bites the dust...Ginko doesn't stop Alzheimer's....

Cyberwar update:
StrategyPage has a report on taking child pornographers and spammers off line ...they also have a discussion of Chinese hacking and about those who hack into chinese computers...

Stratpage also notes the link between Obama and the lack of terrorist attacks in the US:

It's because of the lack of racism in the USA..

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