NYTimes objects to a Bush administration regulation that protects health care providers from being fired if they won't cooperate with abortion...but a close read shows contradictions and suggests that the law is indeed needed.
Every Christmas, Christians have to put up with historians claiming Jesus didn't exist...ah but now, Spengler notes, a German scholar claims that Mohammed never existed...and that Islam is a form of Gnosticism...and elsewhere, he notes the X rated Sufi poetry.
Murdoch's speech telling the dead tree media to clean up their act is a podcast HERE....
headlines prefer explosions and two year old corpses to the news that democracy is slowly working things out...
But the news that's not fit to report is that Michael Yon and StrategyPage agree:
The war in Iraq is over, and the good guys won. So some bloggers are promoting
November 22 is Victory in Iraq day...
of course, bombs continue, just like they do here...and the bad guys can reemerge if Obama screws things up...
and attention, Astronauts...watch out for exploding greese guns...
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