Thursday, June 04, 2009

Banning Bisphenol A

California seeks to outlaw it in baby bottles and food containers.

So did Conneticut and Chicago

The FDA is rethinking if it should ban it too.

BPA is used to harden plastics for bottles etc...the problem is that it leeches out into the food/milk, especially when the liquid is warmed inside the container (e.g. warming baby's milk).
Bisphenol A, a compound in hard, clear polycarbonate plastics that mimics the effects of estrogen, has raised particular concern because it interferes with hormone levels and cell signaling systems. In August, several dozen scientists issued a review of 700 studies on BPA warning that the levels most people are exposed to put them at elevated risk of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, breast cancer, decreased sperm counts, and prostate cancer. Infants, the report said, are most vulnerable to BPA.

another link that mentions the link with obesity/Metabolic syndrome.

and some link estrogen like chemicals (of which there are many, mainly pesticides) with widespread endocrine problems.


Ah, but will the replacement for the chemical be any safer? I'd use glass when possible, but even glass can shatter and cause severe injuries...

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