Thursday, June 04, 2009

Headlines below the fold

aDon'sLifeBlog notes that there is an election for the European Union in the UK but no one knows who is running.
What's wrong with this picture?

Update: The WSJ has more HERE

Wolfowitz praises Obama but notes that unless he discusses lack of freedom, he is missing the real issue.

Tom Friedman agrees

A Reuters editorial asks, uh, is he addressing the Arab world or the Muslim world?


Iran just reopened Facebook...
.flirting and talking about supporting Moussavi can now commence.

Tehran Photo Blog has some great photos of Moussavi's supporters clashing with Ahmadinejad's supporters (the election is later this month).

In the Philippines, those in grass roots politics are trying to stop ChaCha (Charter Change)...which GMA is pushing through...
if they get ChaCha we end up with ConAss (a constitutional assembly, i.e. the government will resemble the UK not the US)...does this mean she could stay in power?

Black market adoption in the Philippines. ABSCBN has a special report.

So what makes people happy? The Atlantic has an article that finds faith, friends and family are what's really important...
GetReligion wonders why the "faith" part is left undiscussed.


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