Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stories below the fold

St. Paul's bones ( or someone else from the first century) is buried in his tomb.
picture from the catecombs dating back to 300 AD


Good news. Amir is back in Tehran and safe


The Lionesses are doing a great job...they fight like a man but are better than men at getting information from people...

Forget using the door from a potbellied stove...
Just get yourself a bullet proof vest made from cement.

Speed Reader alert: The 1000 plus page climate change bill was posted on the internet the night before it was voted on.

Will the same "just trust us, you don't need to read the fine print" arrogance mean the same so they can rush through a health care bill?
more HERE

Obama as Plato's philosopher king.
(bookmarked so I can read it later).

and for MJ fans: RandomboodstuffBlog has a megaJackson post, with videos

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