Monday, August 31, 2009
Dog photo of the day
headsup from DaveBarry, who says that if the dog's phaser was working, whoever did this would be dead
Musical Interlude of the day
your Mozart moment of the day
Science word for today
Obese mice injected with fatostatin show noticeable reductions in their weight despite little difference in their eating habits, the researchers report.
Let your masters run your life
compare and contrast: remarks by George Bernard Shaw and
remarks by Baroness Warnock,
If the UK didn't pass the eugenics laws in the early twentieth century, it was because of the opposition of GK Chesterton Link2 (and of course the much despised Catholic church).
And the NYTimes has to correct an article where they insisted the Catholic bishops and Catholic health care organizations backed the Obama plan.
They don't, Because the plan mandates rationing and abortion.
But note that the Time quotes an "astroturf" Democratic organization with the name "Catholic" to "prove" the church is divided on this.
and if you read between the lines, my article praising Teddy Kennedy shows how the idea that budgets are more important than people is not limited to the UK...of course, that incident was thirty years ago, but the problem still persists albeit less severe...
Elizabeth Goudge revival?
Elizabeth Goudge wrote most of her historical novels after World War I, so is considered "out of date", yet her novels still are around: I actually found "The Dean's Watch" among the paperbacks in our used book store, and my step daughter tells me that her book club is reading one of Elizabeth's books this year.
My favorite novel, however, is the Scent of Water
And now, one of her children's books, The Little White Horse is now being released as a movie, The Secret of Moonacre...
I don't know if it is any good, but I will have to keep an eye out on it.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Musical interlude of the day
the Great Pollini...
Teddy Kennedy RIP
My rememberances at LINK
Give me a tall Ship and a star to steer her by
AChangingLifeBlog has a post on the HMS Victory, explaining the different woods used to build the tall ships, and the characteristics of these woods that made them valuable for different areas of the ship.
The HMS Victory website is HERE. It is the oldest ship still in commission.
Lord Nelson sailed her in the battle of Trafalgar.
More information at Wikipedia.
and DummidumbwitBlog tells more about the history of the ship, with lots of photos, including the above.
There are several old books on line about Nelson, but Librivox has one by the ship's surgeon LINK
Ironically, although Nelson is probably the basis of two famous fictional literary characters in movies, the most famous "biography" is this portrayal, by Lawrence Olivier
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The presence of Angels
about the presence of an unseen person in times of peril.
Neurochemical explanation, or angels ?
Insomnia download of the day
they also have the audio version of the OSS book simple sabotage for dummies.
a lot of it is simple tricks known to anyone who watched putting sugar or molasses in the gastank...
Gift item of the day
CuteOverload is selling calenders of the cutest pets doing their best to make you smile.
Amazon link for the page a day calender is HERE.
WifelySteps had a boy
Go over and congratulate her.
They include lots of recipes.
But if you want to see what we eat, check CookingWithPeachy's video ...
My rant for today: Politicizing the AAFP
And part two is HERE
(often I do a summary and links here, and if I get time later in the day, expand it to an essay at BNN)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Is your car tilting the planet?
the good news: the tilt is only 1.5 cm per year.
blame global warming...
Stuff below the fold
TheNewScientist magazine has a series on the ten dimensions.
and a short video on tesseracts and the fourth dimension
Hesperian Foundation has a new book for village health workers on disabled children.
Why the old worry:
Evolving health care legislation probably will be paid for in part by cutting some $500 billion from Medicare over 10 years.
Define "Monogamy" is one answer....a question that no one wants to discuss...for fear of hurting others feelings.
BoingBoing points out:
Music downloading penalties are harsher than arson, theft, or starting a dogfighting ring
Hmmm...guess we'll have to go back to taping songs off the radio, or use a gramophone burning machine and copied music off the radio 60 years ago...
Like shrimp? try one of these...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Radio show download
more here.
hmmm...imagine celebrating America's unsung heroines instead of ridiculing the Armed forces...
Forgotten history
Although a lot of the victims of racism in Germany's African colonies can't really be blamed on the the Nazi party...
Good news bad news
Bad News: It could still mutate or combine with bird flu, and of course, Bird flu is still waiting in the wings.
Good news: Hats are back
Bad news: Hats are back...blame Arethra Franklin....
Dominick Dunne, gadfly of the rich and famous has died...
He became a crime reporter too late for Mary Jo, but he did get justice for Martha...
Good news: China is promoting volunatary organ donations.
Bad News: The government now admits 65% or organs donated came from executed prisoners, a fact that they tried to deny for many years.
Good News: AI has a report on the refugees in the Southern PHilippines...
Bad News: From the summary, you probably wouldn't know the majority of the displaced are Christians who have been displaced by MILF terror...because the "meme" is "AFP EVIL TERRORISTS GOOD GUYS".
Which of course is why Sri Lankha threw out all those NGOs to win their war against terrorists.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wuthering Heights, with Ukulele
Wuthering Heights, the Musical
But this link allows you to download or listen to some of the music.
Insomnia download of the day
- Ant-Eaters, Armadilloes, and other Odd Animals by Mayne Reid – 00:12:45
Source: E-text
[mp3@64kbps - 6.1MB] - British North America Act, 1949 (Newfoundland Act) by Parliament of the United Kingdom – 00:57:23
Source: E-text
[mp3@64kbps - 27.5MB] - and of course (Tahdah)
- H. R. 3200 – America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 by The House Of Representatives – 00:09:27
Source: E-text
[mp3@64kbps - 4.5MB]
Family news
I'll post photos later
Monday, August 24, 2009
Proof that the end is nigh
Gizmodo discusses government plans to clean up an NBC attack on cities.
Why worry about exotic poisons, when ordinary weeds will do the trick? LINK2
More Grace Livingstone Hill novels are on line, for your reading pleasure.
Gift item of the day
Hello Kitty Crocs...
Give a pair to someone you love...not.
Psst...someone tell Manolo...
(from HelloKittyHell of course)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Musical interlude of the day
headsup from UncleOrsonReviewsEverything...and if you are one of the hoi polloi, go read his column about cookbooks from the good old days and have a laugh ...
Not the best time to go to Martha's Vineyard
Oh well, it could be every expert of film trivia knows, JAWS was filmed there...
another piece of trivia: at one time, there were many deaf people living on the island, which developed it's own version of sign language. Later, teachers mixed this with French Sign language and it became ASL: American Sign Language.
which is a different language from those descended from British sign language but related to Russian and Dutch sign languages.
It's official: There is now Beer in Heaven
But one prayer caught my eye.
Old prayer:May these, and all who sleep in Christ, find in your presence light, happiness, and peace.
New Prayer: Grant them, O Lord, we pray, and all who sleep in Christ, a place of refreshment, light, and peace.
Where I come from, refreshment=beer
and Homer would agree with me:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Musical Interlude of the day
This is the Carmina Burana....warning: It's the full hour concert...
Go topless?
These ugly "feminists" are fighting to show off their...well, go to the photo. This is a G rated blog after all...
and then there is this:
However worthy the go topless campaign, we are rather puzzled as to why it is underwritten by the Raelian Foundation, who appear to be acting under direct orders from "our human creators from outer space".
and for your enjoyment, a topless hula dancer singing a famous classic song...
Gift Item of the day
The UKTelegraph describes it otherwise:
...a perfume designed to capture the essence of England - which includes the smell of the sea and lawnmower exhaust fumes.
and the article has a new vocabulary word for you: Quango
The term has its origin in a humorous shortening of quasi-NGO, an ostensibly non-governmental organization performing governmental functions, often in receipt of funding or other support from government, [1] while mainstream NGOs mostly get their donations or funds from the public and other organisations that support their cause.
Headlines below the fold
hijacked by the Mossad?
Good news: an AP reporter finally notices the bad parts of the IHS...
bad news: it isn't in the NYTimes, but on a site called "Reznews"...and on the Rez, they already know that Government health care has problems.
Sri Lanka to train Pakistan to fight insurgency.
Lesson one: Get rid of the press who never met an insurgent they never liked
Lesson Two: Get rid of the NGO's who never met an "insurgent" they didn't like and who actually fund them.
Lesson three: Atrocities? what atrocities?
A couple months ago, I noted that some nanoparticles had the size and shape of asbestos and were thought to cause similar disease in humans. Now BoingBoing has a link.
CSI Story of the day
Epilog notes all those "BAD FATs" turn out to be not so bad...or maybe not...
Comments by HannahBell get it about right: Love these "studies'. Lots of words like 'appears to' or 'suggests', or 'could'. Who commissioned the studies and what did they have to gain from the "results"?
and the "Viking kitty" story of the week LINK
Things that make you go, hmmm…
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sci Fi buzz
Well, that doesn't mean a lot: Harry loves anything with gore.
But HollywoodJesus and Rotten Tomatoes love the film too.
There was some buzz about it at ComCon, so check you tube for the discussions with Producer Peter Jackson and others involved in the film.
And no, it hasn't arrived in Manila yet...but since it led the US box office, I expect the pirates will have copies of it at the palenke by next week.
The WTF Headline of the day
The Beverly Hillbillies take two
Luckily, one of the old trucks still exists and is available for public viewing. On May 6 1976, Henning donated the truck to the Ralph Foster Museum at the College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Mo., just two miles from Branson. Our family friend Lottie was kind enough to take this picture of the truck just for me when she was there.
Via Instapundit
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ramadan Karim
You know how Christmas is Merry and Easter is Happy! Well Ramadan is Generous (Karim).
He also summarizes it in a poem:
A time to get closer to God and to ourselves within
Thirty days to share with the less fortunate, not just a bite to eat, but a life to live
Four weeks to forgive and forget
A month to reflect on deeds past and hopes to come
A moon phase to pray for everlasting peace
I wish you all a very Generous Ramadan
Fortran for geeks
Here is the information at a NASA site.
The discussion is over my head...I believe the climate is changing, and support green projects, but think that a lot of the hype has become a religion for folks that want to tell us how to live...
Headlines below the fold
Pitbull Palin lists her expensive "gifts"-- 15 gifts actually cost moer than $250: a gun rack, a statue of the Virgin...
and one of these days the press will notice Todd did win the Iron Dog race a couple times since 2000...and was famous in sports circles before anyone heard about his wife
In the meanwhile, perks for the US congress and sweetheart deals are "normal".
I have a suggestion for the US Congress: Instead of doing a fact finding tour of banking in the Cayman Islands, just visit beautiful Palawan and learn about the war on terror in Asia!
and duh my relatives just got back from there too...
And Hillary is being sidelined to giving nanny talks to small African and Asian countries...
Yes, I consider Africa and violence against women important, but it is not something that is supposed to be handled by top class State Department personnel...
One strange story floating around has been a Russian ship that went missing and possibly hijacked in the Atlantic the NYTimes quotes a Russian source:
"To put it plainly: The Arctic Sea was carrying some sort of anti-aircraft or nuclear contraption intended for a nice, peaceful country like Syria, and they were caught with it," she said.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tolkien post of the day
the link is to an article in the OxfordToday magazine about their link:
Swann's affinity with Tolkien's writings was eventually expressed in a song cycle, The Road Goes Ever On. They struck up a friendship, Tolkien providing his imprimatur prior to publication with one minor revision....
Swann viewed Tolkien's work not as escapist fantasy, but as a paradigm of human life with its sense of destiny and purpose. An unprepossessing hero, Frodo, is scarred permanently by his quest, as many veterans were by war experience; this loosens his attachment to the Shire. After Tolkien's death, his secretary handed Swann the unpublished 'Bilbo's Last Song'. Swann set and then appended it to the song-cycle. Its closing words - 'Lands there are to West of West, / Where night is quiet and sleep is rest' - encapsulate the valedictory quality of Tolkien's magnum opus, its 'Northernness' and other-worldly longing. Later, Swann was moved to sing it at the Commemoration for Michael Flanders. 'Namárië' resurfaced at a Holywell Music Room concert earlier this year, its performer, Roderick Williams commenting that Oxford was possibly the only place where it could be taken for granted that the audience would understand the lyrics.
This is F&S doing one of their routines...Swan is the one at the piano.
Headlines below the fold
USATODAY notes one problem is a lack of primary care physician due to long hours and a lot less money than one can get as a specialist...
And then no one is discussing the cost of defensive medicine...
as for the Obama plan... the dirty little secret is that a lot of us worry that they won't ration "elective" procedures like they did in the IHS but will ration medicine similar to NICE...
This link is to Nat Hentoff column on the subject....last time I looked, he was to the left of the president..
Instapundit has the "we're all gonna die" headlines of the day:
Global warming due to the oceans releasing methane
The real enemy: teenagers who swap songs: and are fined $150 thousand a song.
Presumably, she will pay off her debt at $10 a week...
The latest version of chemical weapons: Hot Sauce Hand grenades.
there have been 700 rockets fired into Isreal from Gaza so far this year...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Stuff below the fold
Those who read or saw the film "The Perfect Storm" might remember a lady captain. That was Linda Greenlaw, who went on to write two non fiction books about her life as a fisherman, both of which I used to own.
She's now publishing her second mystery.
the bad news is that it usually takes a year or two until the paperback version ends up in our used book stores.
Did Mozart die of strep infection?
Actually, the diagnosis "military fever" i.e. typhus, also fits the bill a lot better, and he could have caught it in one of the inns when he was traveling...whereas Scarlet fever rash is not at the same time as acute Glomerulonephritis that the authors say caused the edema... although the edema might be renal failure from "medicines" or due to acute cardiomyopathy...
Notre Dame dissing Catholic teaching goes way back, notes the Pertinacious Papist.
The original "Obama as the Joker" was devised by...
a Palestinian American Kucinech backer who photoshops a lot of famous photos, like this one of Napoleon
The bad news: Flickr removed the original, citing "copyright infringement"...the MPAA as political censor.
White house enemies list email disabled
...the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.
E-mails to that address now bounce back with the message: “The e-mail address you just sent a message to is no longer in service. We are now accepting your feedback about health insurance reform via” the "snitch file" has simply moved to the comments box...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ellie Mae is 76...
But most guys still remember her from this:
Family news
So we're having a big party tonight...will post photos if I can get my camera back...
Bad News: John didn't get promoted, so may be facing civilian life in the next few years.
Good news: John will become a civilian so won't have to go back to Iraq.
Stuff below the fold
and what is their place in wireless communications?
MaryBeard at A Don's Life visits a Coptic monastery...
one bit of World War II trivia in the essay:
As we drove on to Alexandria, I was reading the guide book. It explained that the battlefield of El Alamein was still littered with 17.2 million unexploded landmines that the British, Germans and Italians had refused to pay to have cleared -- ostensibly because Egypt has not signed up to the Ottawa treaty.
Blackfive notes that it is National Navajo code talkers day
another bit of trivia: not all code talkers were Navajo...
Other Native American code talkers were used by the United States Army during World War II, using Cherokee, Choctaw and Comanche soldiers. Soldiers of Basque ancestry were used for code talking by the US Marines during World War II in areas where other Basque speakers were not expected to be operating.
Whither the Green Revolution in Iran?
no big demonstrations in cities, but spreading to small towns?
The headline is misleading: Mutant polio virus spreads in Nigeria.
Actually, the vaccine doesn't harm the kid who gets it....What happens is that the weakened virus mutates back to it's old nasty self inside the kid vaccinated, and those in contact with the kid can "catch" polio from's a known problem, which is why the US switched back to the shots for polio.
a few days ago, I posted about a poem that Ninoy wrote for Cory...
Well, here it is sung for you.
Beach Trivia
I was doing research to compare old fashioned bathing costumes to the "Burkini"...when I ran across this trivia...
usually women "dipped" seperate from men, often changing in carts that entered the water and shielded them from men...often they wore long flannel dresses (or chemises) without stockings or stays. Women merely "dipped" in the sea, so didn't wear trousers or pantaloons.
Martha Washington's bathing costume for example was a one piece "chemise" type dress with lead weights on the hem so it would't baloon up.
(via Jane Austen's World)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Signs that Neaderthals were intelligent
They didn't like Brussel Spouts
...a gene in modern humans that makes some people dislike a bitter chemical called phenylthiocarbamide, or PTC, was also present in Neanderthals hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Before Green Gables
There is also, of course, an anime of the original book, which is called "the Red Headed Anne"...a review is HERe and website HERE.
and LINK is to a review of "Before Green Gables" and of two books that investigate the early life of the author.
my favorite version is the PBS/CBC version of the film
Did you know that there is a YouTube channel for fans?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy V-J Day
Few newspapers have anything about it, but today is V-J Day.
Everyone remembers this famous photo, but they forget why the sailor was happy: Because he now knew he would live.
More stories HERE.
My cousin, who was in the Navy, was with my mother when the news was announced. His leg was in a cast: His ship had been kamakazi'd and while home on leave, he got drunk, woke up in the dark and jumped out a window since the door was locked. What he failed to notice is that he was in a second floor apartment.
One reason he got drunk is that most of the guys who were scheduled to be involved in the invasion of Japan figured they wouldn't come back...but with a broken leg, he had to be left behind, so he was recuperating with my grandmother (who raised him) when VJ day came, and he and my mother went downtown to celebrate.
Few people arguing about dropping the bomb realize that the estimate of US casualties if Japan had been invaded was one million....and, given the resistance and mass suicides on the outer islands of Saipan and Okinawa, the estimate of civilian casualties in Japan was in the millions.
but that doesn't mean that dropping the bomb was "right" (it was probably the least bad of several bad options).
AFondnessForReading blog reviews the classic Japanese book Bells of Nagasaki.
Today again I have survived;
I contemplate and relish
The precious jewel of life.
"Little by little, people are putting things in order and rebuilding their homes. Though it may not be apparent to the eye, the atomic desert is gradually sending forth new shoots of life."
Dr. Nagai lost his beloved wife in the blast. He fought his own battle with leukemia before his death, trying desperately to postpone the day when his two children would become orphans. He was a deeply religious man, a devoted father, and a compassionate healer and teacher. During the last years of his life, when he was confined to bed due to the ravages of his atomic bomb disease, he wrote many books, poems, and papers in the spirit of peace. His writings, a powerful plea for peace in this atomic age, touched the hearts of many people around the world. He died in 1951.
The Great Pie Fight
Steve Weller, activities co-ordinator for the Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade, said he organised the record attempt as an activity for the group's summer camp.
"Somebody challenged me to break a world record and custard pies just came into my head," he said.
"We did have 650 pies to start with, but I think two got eaten."
The previous record of 120 people was accomplished in Los Angeles, California in 2008.
but actually, the best custard pie fight is this one:
Film trivia
via Tea at Trianon.
a lot of this is discussed in Garth's Book Tolkien and the Great War...a ponderous book for Tolkien junkies only.
Savage Chicken's take on a new film:
for the culturally deprived, the reference is to this famous dance:
Trivia note: RaulJulia also played Archbishop Romero in the movie of the same name...thereby proving he is wasn't typecast...
Randomgoodstuff has some photos of Gaudi Park in Barcelona...
more here.
And a trivia note: Gaudi is being considered for Sainthood...
Has Mt Sinai been found?
A love poem to Cory
Pinoy centric posts a poem to Cory written by Ninoy...
I have fallen in love
with the same woman three times;
In a day spanning 19 years
of tearful joys and joyful tears.I loved her first when she was young,
enchanting and vibrant, eternally new.
She was brilliant, fragrant,
and cool as the morning dew.
I fell in love with her the second time;
when first she bore her child and mine
always by my side, the source of my strength,
helping to turn the tide.But there were candles to burn
the world was my concern;
while our home was her domain.
and the people were mine
while the children were hers to maintain;So it was in those eighteen years and a day.
’till I was detained; forced in prison to stay.Suddenly she’s our sole support;
source of comfort,
our wellspring of Hope.
on her shoulders felt the burden of Life.I fell in love again,
with the same woman the third time.
Looming from the battle,
her courage will never fadeAmidst the hardships she has remained,
undaunted and unafraid.
she is calm and composed,
she is God’s lovely maid.
sung HERE
Realplayer needed LINK
Friday, August 14, 2009
Family news
The family went to the local swimming pool for the afternoon, and Luke and I stayed home and hit the mall computer stores to get stuff.
He got a bluetooth headset.
I got DVD's.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Stuff below the fold
Large Meat Eating plant found in the from BBC..
The botanists have named the pitcher plant after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.( Nepenthes attenboroughii)
(headsup Epicurious)
That anti Muslim YouTube video that implies Muslim immigrants are taking over Europe is...bunk.
The BBC analyzes the details and finds them a bit exaggerated.
Talk about pork: Gloria's one million dollar peso dinner is causing waves here...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Do Male adoptive Cats breastfeed their kittens?
This is our cat Precious feeding his sister's kittens. Patches was killed by our dog two weeks ago, after the kittens could eat but before they were completely weaned.
So yesterday I found brother Precious feeding the kittens...
We did have our yellow mother cat breast feed Precious and his sister after they walked into here from off the street, (she had just miscarried a litter) but I've never heard of a male cat doing it...
Stuff below the fold
Most are smuggled out of China, so Nigeria bought some medicine from "India" instead.... and alas they were fake too...when India investigated who manufactured the medicine, guess what? They were made in China and falsely labled as coming from India.
Counterfeit drugs are big business...
And people die of infections/malaria because they take medicines that only have a small percentage of the real medicine inside....and sometimes, because fake chemicals that test as real that are substituted are poisonous....
Catholic college told by the EEOC that their refusal to pay for birth control pills is discriminating against women...
A sign of things to come?
Paranoia alert: You thought you deleted all those cookies?
Well, says Wired, think again...
The Earth is humming...
Journalist hunts for acid-spitting Mongolian death worm
The worm apparently jumps out of the sand and kills people by spitting concentrated acid or shooting lightning from its rectum over long distances, NZPA reports. (Seriously.)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Family news
If there is a problem at home, email me at my public email
The kids and grandkids got back from Palawan late last night...exhausted but okay.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Beer Poetry
And don't forget this one:
O! Water cold we may pour at need
down a thirsty throat and be glad indeed
but better is beer if drink we lack,
and Water Hot poured down the back.
or this classic ditty:
Prayer for the day
after all, it is fiesta day, and our favorite beer here in the Philippines is San Miguel Beer.
Family news
Today is the feast of San Lorenzo, so we went to mass at the chapel, and on the way home stopped to see Lolo's old house and Remedios...she was cooking tinumes so Lolo asked her for some (they smelled sooooooo good).
FYI: I don't know how Dita cooks Tinumes, but one recipe for Tinumes is HERE....(and don't say I didn't warn you...)
'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate
By Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer
In USA TODAY no less...
My take on the health care bill was moved from my blog to HERE...
White House Snitch line link HERE:
musical interlude for today
Turn up speakers and boogie!
It's Official
There is a fatwa on the subject of eating mermaids that cites many scholarly Islamic sources.
(headsup from Dustbury)
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Family News
I have a new computer and have been busy uploading my favorite programs on it, so not a lot of blogging time.
Tomorrow is the feast of San Lorenzo, and the first day of the Tsinelis festival.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Gift item of the day
We bought our grandkids some locally made sandals to wear at the beach (under the "one town/one product" initiative, our town makes sandals)
And my grandson Luke said I needed a pair of these.
Nope, Luke, I need soft soles and arch supports, not barefeet...
Personally, I agree with Manolo: "shoes for the modern Caveman"...
(Headsup Sribbit Blog too)
Starship sofa
The Audio magazine of science fiction, Starship Sofa, has a podcast that includes a discussion of Tolkien by Amy H Sturgis.
Her website includes lots of downloads and links, and has a photo of her with Douglas Gresham (she edited Past Watchful Dragons, Fantasy Faith in the world of CSLewis).
her blog is HERE.
Little House authors
and UnderTheGables blog discusses three other women writers who were farmers...
And, although it's 40-60 years after the Little House books were set, you might want to check out this website about farming (and recycling) in the midwest of the 1920's and 1930' that flour sac dress, Ma'am....
It includes podcasts of rural interest including former poet lauriet Ted Kooser's musings on midwestern rural life.
(headsup TeaAtTrianon)
Regency dresses: The fashion of Jane Austen
She sells them at Etsy, but if you can't make your own patterns but want to dress up as Elizabeth Bennett, Regency Patterns can be HERE. (includes e-patterns).
and yes, she also sells Doll patterns...
and, for the men:
Cravats were wrapped tightly around the neck ending in bows of varying length. Cravats, at this period, were sometimes as much as a foot high, with the points of the collars rising half-way up the face and obliging gentlemen to keep their chins and their heads well up in the air.
And you thought tieing a neck tie was hard...
Friday, August 07, 2009
Family news
Chano Robin and family are on their way to Palawan. They plan to do some Snorkelling.
Lolo and I stayed home (too strenuous for Lolo).
LINK is a description of vacations here...includes notes on Palawan.