Thursday, August 20, 2009

Headlines below the fold

Goodbye Dark Energy...or maybe not. The new theory has to ignore the laws of science...

Pitbull Palin lists her expensive "gifts"-- 15 gifts actually cost moer than $250: a gun rack, a statue of the Virgin...

and one of these days the press will notice Todd did win the Iron Dog race a couple times since 2000...and was famous in sports circles before anyone heard about his wife


In the meanwhile, perks for the US congress and sweetheart deals are "normal".
I have a suggestion for the US Congress: Instead of doing a fact finding tour of banking in the Cayman Islands, just visit beautiful Palawan and learn about the war on terror in Asia!
and duh my relatives just got back from there too...


And Hillary is being sidelined to giving nanny talks to small African and Asian countries...
Yes, I consider Africa and violence against women important, but it is not something that is supposed to be handled by top class State Department personnel...


One strange story floating around has been a Russian ship that went missing and possibly hijacked in the Atlantic the NYTimes quotes a Russian source:
"To put it plainly: The Arctic Sea was carrying some sort of anti-aircraft or nuclear contraption intended for a nice, peaceful country like Syria, and they were caught with it," she said.


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