"Spengler" discusses the lesser known museums and churches in Rome.
"...my favorite is the little Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, the French church near the Pantheon, with its Caravaggio tryptich on St. Matthew...." (see above)
"...Of course, there are things one must see, for without them one never will understand European history. The Palazzo dei Conservatori at the Campidoglio tells you more about the concept of universal empire in European politics than anything you will read in a book."
Photos HERE.
Just like everyone has their own fifteen minutes of fame, so too with the DSM V allow everyone their own special mental illness:
"...The APA isn't just deciding the fate of shopaholics; it's also debating whether overuse of the Internet, "excessive" sexual activity, apathy, and even prolonged bitterness should be viewed, quite seriously, as brain "disorders." If you spend hours online, have sex more frequently than aging psychiatrists, and moan incessantly that the federal government can't account for all its TARP funds, take heed: You may soon be classed among the 48 million Americans the APA already considers mentally ill..."
hmmm...two out of three ain't bad...
Strategy Page has two essays on cyberwar LINK and LINK

and don't miss DarkRoastedBlendBlog's StarWars photos and links..
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