Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Depressing Stuff below the fold

The Anchoress is reminded of The Stand: ...time to chose...

Be afraid...be very afraid....

And the ever so politicized BMJ can't imagine why disabled people are against euthanasia,
uh, maybe because they are the main victims of the practice?


Bush's HIV program is being changed by Obama to push contraception.
When I worked in Africa, every village had a "pill lady", but few villages had clean water (until our hospital arranged money to help dig wells). Priorities, you know...

"Confusopoly"...sounds about right.
I used to tell my patients that "I'm a doctor, not an insurance specialist"...

The ChinabeatBlog attends the Summer Davos meeting.
Key quote:
Creative architects and scientists discussed inventions for improving city life, such as a biodegradable tracking device that would let people know what happens to their garbage

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