Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Stuff below the fold

Modesty making a comeback? as in self respect, not prudery...

It's hard for us "full figured gals" to be modest...often we find our clothes don't fit right.
here is a "bounce o meter" guide that shows what I mean...
Don't laugh...bouncing can cause skin abraisions and even galactorrhea...


Webecoist has a list of Frankenfoods: The good, the bad and the ugly...
Golden rice could prevent vitamin A deficiency, a major cause of blindness in some third world countries

Homemade cough remedies...
Here in the Philippines, we use ginger tea...
but chocolate works too....and I use either coffee or strong tea for coughing...the caffeine relieves mild asthma that can cause coughing.


Green golfing...use a Llama instead of a golfcart to carry your bags, and walk...
but watch where you step...


Death by algae... Nitrogen waste from farming increase the amount of sea lettuce, which releases Hydrogen Sulfide gas as it rots.

and your heartwarming story of the day:
Lucky the Box turtle had his front legs bitten off by a Racoon. He has now had furniture sliders fitted under his shell so he can slide around Photo: BARCROFT

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